Hello & Welcome,

The courses offered through Authentic Eating School have been created by nutrition and health professionals, mainly Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs). These courses include credible, sound, evidence-based, and experience-based recommendations.

Our goal is to inform, inspire, and guide you to a more authentic, balanced, and sustainable approach to eating, nutrition, health, and weight.

I created Authentic Eating School as both an affordable and easily accessible option for those looking for nutrition and health education and guidance. We take a holistic approach to eating and health by incorporating psychology and complimentary medicines.

These courses will provide you with the information and tools needed to transform your relationship with food, health, and weight for life.

Who am I?

I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Eating Disorder specialist who is here for YOU. I offer one-on-one sessions via video chat.

With Love & Hope,

Christina Gaunce, RDN, CEDRD
